3 september 2011


Utdrag ur Strathclyde's Code of Conduct:

"Please do not throw things out of the window when at the campus. This especially applies to students living at height, since even innocent things such as toilet paper rolls can become harmful when thrown from great heights."

"The storage of food is of great importance. Please be sure to keep dairy products such as milk and butter in refrigerator in order to make campus life convenient for yourself as well as your fellow room mates."

"We recognise that alcohol might play an important role in a student's life. However, the university does not take responsibility for any harm caused under the effect of alcohol."

"Please bring your own duvet and quilt cover, but remember that the university will supply you with a new duvet and quilt cover."

1 kommentar:

  1. Va mycket regler... Tur det inte stod något om att byta saltet mot socker och såna saker. Lite practical jokes krävs ju trots allt för att göra studentlivet till.. tja, ett studentliv!
